A Manual for Writers

of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations

edited by Kate L. Turabian

published in 

first published in 1955

edited by Wayne C. Booth, et al


✔ Available to borrow

443 pages

published by The University of Chicago Press

published in Chicago, IL

owned in Printed Book format

I was assigned to read this through during my senior year at Ohio State in preparation for my undergraduate research thesis under Dr. Rachel Garshick Kleit. Just so well written, so insightful, one of the better instructional books I've ever read. That final semester was also maybe one of the most fulfilling in my academic career. I highly recommend this to anyone looking to write durably.


Kate L. Turabian. A Manual for Writers: of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. Eigth Edition. 2013.  Printed Book.
